
Calibre mac alternative reddit
Calibre mac alternative reddit

calibre mac alternative reddit

  • E-book viewer: Ask for confirmation when creating a highlight that will overwrite existing highlights.
  • Tag browser: Allow removing format from selected books by right clicking on the format in the Tag browser.
  • calibre mac alternative reddit

    Template language: A new "Python template mode" which allows using arbitrary Python code in templates.

    calibre mac alternative reddit

    Bloomberg and Bloomberg Business Week by unkn0wn.Amazon metadata download: Adapt the plugin for website changes.Edit book: Fix modified indicator on images not working correctly when replacing the image.Edit book: Fix double clicking in the see what changed dialog not opening the file in the editor since calibre 6.0.AZW3 Input: Fix svg images that use a prefix for the SVG namespace not being recognized.E-book viewer: Fix rendering of comments in metadata display when using a dark color scheme.EPUB Input: Fix empty adobe page number template file causing conversion to fail.Conversion: Fix CSS styles applied to SVG elements being discarded.Fix edit metadata dialog not remembering its position and improve how calibre restores window position and size on multi-monitor systems.Improve performance in very large libraries of various UI operations such as right clicking, marking books, etc.Nook driver: Send books to the NOOK folder for the 2021 Nook model as well.Book list: Fix incorrect rendering of yes/no icons when they are configured to have only two values.When sending by email to kindle dont include the author in the filename as amazon is currently reading the author from the file metadata but not the title.Make splitter handles more visible in the calibre UI style.Book details panel: Allow adjusting the space used by the cover with a splitter.Allow customizing the buttons available to the right of the search bar in the main calibre window via Preferences->Toolbars & menus->The buttons on the searchbar.

    Calibre mac alternative reddit